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Conditions of reservation in system www.hotelpl.com

§ 1

  1. Provider - Hotelpl.com is provider of the service. Hotelpl.com is fully owned by Europe Business Partners(EbPartners).
  2. Hotel - Hotel is an accommodation institution listed on www.hotelpl.com, which the User reserves on the basis of the information on www.hotelpl.com web site and orders through the Service.
  3. User - User is an individual or legal entity that uses the Service.

§ 2

Reservation of any service in www.hotelpl.com System can be made once the given reservation form has been properly filled in and submitted.

§ 3

  1. Account transfer /in construcion/
  2. In case of making the payment by a credit card, the User is supposed to enter all the required card details. The authorization and the charging is processed in the PolCard System using a code of 128 bits. The System Operator will reserve the whole sum of money and after 7 days the card will be charged. If the credit card authorization fails, the reservation will not be confirmed.

    Any additional services not included in the reservation request have to be paid for by the User at the spot. The basic payment currency for each booking is the Polish Zloty (PLN) and thus only offers in PLN are most competitive.

    The other counterparts in EUR or USD are to be regarded as estimations accordingly to the average exchange rates. The ultimate price confirmation is displayed on the www pages of POLCARD, the cooperating credit card authorisation company. Any possible minor discrepancies are due to various currency exchange rates being currently apllied by both your credit card authorisation centre and your bank.

§ 4

The System displays both all the services available ONLINE (confirmed automatically at once on the basis of the special allotment of services reserved for the Users) and all the services available ON REQUEST entailing the Operator's confirmation. In the latter case, the confirmation is sent in within 24 hours on the e-mail address given in the Reservation form. The confirmation includes all the essential details and unique ID of the reservation or a notice notifying of no vacancies available.

Once the Confirmation has been sent in, the Reservation is certain to be complete.

§ 5

/in construcion/

§ 6

  1. In case of canceling a Reservation the following charges are made:
    1. 50 PLN as long as the cancellation is made at least 3 days before the starting date of the service
    2. 100% of the total reservation cost if the cancellation is made later than 3 days before the starting date of the service (in case of a hotel booking - 100% of the cost of the first night)
    3. 100% of the total reservation cost if the User resigns from using the service without making a formal cancellation through the System (one should fill in and submit the Cancellation form)
    4. 100% of the total reservation cost in case of no-show or refusal to use all the reserved services without making the necessary changes;
  2. All the due amount of money owing to the cancellation will be sent back by bank transfer onto the bank account entered in the Cancellation form.

§ 7
Personal data

All the System users hereby agree to have their personal data recorded in the System database of hotelpl.com, for the Reservation purposes only and in full accordance to the Polish Law of the 29 Aug 1997 /( Dz.U. nr 133, poz. 883) /. All the users are entitled to view and make any changes in their personal data record.
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