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Let's work together !

We would like to invite you to work together with our portal www.hotelpl.com. When creating this portal, we have focused on the needs of a large number of clients, foreign as well as Polish, that wish to visit Poland and that are not always able to reserve their own hotels (for example due to the language barrier) and of companies that simply want to benefit from special tariffs.

Our aim is to simplify the life of our foreign visitors so that they can quickly find information about the services of a hotel (board, parking, location, relaxation) and to give our visitors an easy tool to analyze the value for worth of the different hotels in the place they want to go to.

We offer the same high-quality representation for top-of-the-line hotels as well as for more modest hotels that offer excellent value for worth. If you would like to change or update the information provided for your hotel, (pictures, text or services offered), do not hesitate to contact us. Please do regularly check the information provided for your hotel on our site and send us an email with any suggested changes. Obviously, the more useful and well-written information, the better for attracting clients!

We offer a transparent pricing policy: the costs of payment by bank card are included in the price of reservation so that there are no surprises for our clients. We are not afraid of a comparison of our attractive tarrifs with our competitors. Our partners benefit from:

  • a window through which to present their hotel on the Internet (for hotels that do not yet have a web site) and free publicity!
  • the possibility to obtain new clients without running any risk,
  • to not have to pay for banking costs and to be sure the room will be paid for (a reservation will only be made after payment by our client),
  • a large number of clients.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or would simply like to receive some more information. Our goal is the satisfaction of our clients, who visit Poland in larger numbers every year, as well as the satisfaction of our partners.

We are looking forward to a rewarding cooperation.

Marta Szwed
Hotelpl.com Manager

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