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Bydgoszcz (kujawsko-pomorskie)

Description of Bydgoszcz

Bydgoszcz, located in the north central part of Poland along the Brda river, is the capital of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie province. One of Poland's major inland ports, the Bydgoszcz Canal, built 1773-1774, links the Brda river with the Notec river, and is part of the larger Vistula-Oder waterway. This canal is one of the most popular tourist attractions. Despite the damage suffered during World War II, Bydgoszcz has an architectural heritage representing Eclecticism and Art Nouveau dating from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Chartered in 1346, the city developed in the Middle Ages on the site of a prehistoric fort. During the 15th and 16th centuries, it became an important trade center. In 1772, it was part of the area taken over by Prussia. In 1919, it was returned to Poland. During World War II, it was occupied by Germany.

Hotels in Bydgoszcz

hotels stars location price ( / PLN)
Hotel Pomorski Close to the city center40 €
Hotel Pod Orłem City center101 €


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