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Gdańsk (pomorskie)

Description of Gdańsk

Reservation of hotels in Gdansk. Hotel Jolanta and hotel Moris are stuated close to sea. Find a hotel in Gdansk today! Below we’ve displayed a selection of available hotels in Gdansk. Looking for a cheap hotel in Gdansk? Easily compare prices of the different hotels in Gdansk here. You can find a luxury hotel in Gdansk or choose a budget hotel in Gdansk. Most hotels in Gdansk are located in or near the city center. Or choose a hotel at the seaside of Gdansk. The majority of hotels in Gdansk offer conference facilities. Gdansk is the Polish maritime capital with the population nearing half a million. It is a large centre of economic life, science, culture, and a popular tourist destination. Lying on the Bay of Gdansk and the southern cost of the Baltic Sea the city is a thousand years old. With its Hanseatic tradition, it has for ages played a major role in the commercial relationships between Northern and Western Europe on the one hand, and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe on the other hand. Today, Gdansk is the capital of the Pomeranian province and an important administration centre.

Hotels in Gdańsk

hotels stars location price ( / PLN)
Minihotel Antonieff 400 PLN
Hotel Hanza City center345 PLN
Willa Jolanta Almost seaside0 PLN
Hotel Angela Almost city center0 PLN
Hotel Moris At the seaside0 PLN


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