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Jurata (pomorskie)

Description of Jurata

Reservation of hotels in Jurata. Our hotels in Jurata are situated close to sea. We reccommend hotel SPA Bryza Resort and hotel Neptun. Easy online reservation. Jurata- not to big city is situated on Plw. Helski under Baltic and Zatoka Pucka, on the area Nadmorski Park Krajobrazowy. Wonderful sandy beach. Around pine forests- ecological clear area. Over the gulf there are perfect conditions to practise water sports: sailing, water ski, kayaks, water scooters. Schools of windsurfing. In Jurata there are International Competition Europe Cup in windsurfing and in volleyball. Tennis courts, 2 roofed swimmg pools, sports hall, sauna, beauty salon, cycle line along peninsula from Jurata throught Jastarnia, Kuznice to Chalupy ( 18 km). In Jastarnia ( 2 km) lighthouse, kaszubska chata- museum, cinema, discos. Hel 13 km – matrial port, seaport, aquarium with seals, landing for hydrofoils to Gdansk, Sopot and Kaliningrad. Wladyslawowo 21 km. Gdansk, Gdynia, Sopot about 80 km way.

Hotels in Jurata

hotels stars location price ( / PLN)
Hotel SPA Bryza Resort At the seaside0 €
Hotel Neptun At the seaside73 €


This hotel reservation is recomended by our portal!

1 star

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