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Sopot (pomorskie)

Description of Sopot

Find a hotel in Sopot today! Below we’ve displayed a selection of available hotels in Sopot. Looking for a cheap hotel in Sopot? Easily compare prices of the different hotels in Sopot here. You can find a luxury hotel in Sopot or choose a budget hotel in Sopot. Hotels in Sopot are located either in the city center or at the seaside. Please book your hotel in Sopot sufficiently in advance for the end of August. Sopot is a town redolent with the atmosphere of creativity, the meeting-place of outstanding artists, such as Cybulski, Milosz and Dudzinski, and also of promising musicians, actors and portrait-painters, whose work can be observed in the Monte Cassino pedestrian precinct. The great pride of the town is the Sopot Festival, which has taken place for more than 30 years now in the Forest Opera. At the end of August the attention of the whole country is drawn to Sopot. A little earlier you can attend the recently revived Wagner Festival, or the Sopot Molo Jazz Festival on the pier. Sopot is a town in which you cannot possibly be bored.

Hotels in Sopot

hotels stars location price ( / PLN)
Hotel Baltic 0 PLN
Hotel Europa City center0 PLN
Hotel Opera*** Antiaging&Spa At the seaside0 PLN


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