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Szczecin (zachodnio-pomorskie)

Description of Szczecin

Find a hotel in Szczecin today! Below we’ve displayed a selection of available hotels in Szczecin. Looking for a cheap hotel in Szczecin? Easily compare prices of the different hotels in Szczecin here. You can find a luxury hotel in Szczecin or choose a budget hotel in Szczecin. In general, hotels in Szczecin offer excellent value-for-money. Szczecin is a city situated in the north-west of Poland, where the river Odra meets the Baltic Sea (through Szczecin Bay). For centuries this location has been the junction for major European transit routes, from the west to the east and from the north, through the Baltic, to the south of Europe. Szczecin has unique character captivating charm of historical, secessionist architecture and the beauty of its lustrous vegetation.

Hotels in Szczecin

hotels stars location price ( / PLN)
Hotel Płonia The route Berlin-Swinoujscie150 PLN
Hotel Jantar 6 km from city center150 PLN


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1 star

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