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Bełchatów (łódzkie)

Descriptión de Bełchatów

Hotels in Belchatow,onlinereseration. Belchatów – the capital of old belchatowski province. One of the most important city about number of populations in lodzkie province ( about 65 000 inhabitants), is situated on the west from Piotrkow Trybunalski. Not far from city ( 10km) there is the biggest in Poland fuel- energetic area about composition of Kopalnia Wegla Brunatnego “Belchatow” and Elektrownia Belchatow, that’s why Belchatow is one of the most important industrial area of this region. First notice about the city emerged already in XIV age. We recommend you the most important monuments: Dwór Olszewskich from XVIII age, which currently is a seat of Muzeum Regionalne; Church Narodzenia Najswietszej Marii Panny in Belchatow from XVII age and Gothic Church Wszystkich Swietych in Parafia Grocholice. Hotel sport hotel santin - best hotels in Belchatow.

Hoteles en Bełchatów

hoteles Estándar Posición Precio ( / PLN)
Hotel Santin Muy cerca del centro59 €
Hotel Sport Centro66 €


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