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Karpacz (dolnośląskie)

Descriptión de Karpacz

Reservation of hotels in Karpacz. We propose hotel Karkonosze situated in mountains, hotel Rezydencja and hotel Vivaldi in city centrum. Easy online reservation of hotel in Karpacz. Karpacz- the touristic resort in Karkonosze, situated next to the mountains chain Karkonosze with Sniezka (1602 mnpm). Because of its position and environment Karpacz become the center of sports and recreation during whole year. There are many tourist routes inter alia very popular rout to Sniezka where is baroque Chapel of Saint Wawrzyniec, hostel and meteorological station.

Hoteles en Karpacz

hoteles Estándar Posición Precio ( / PLN)
Hotel Rezydencja Centro0 €
Hotel Vivaldi Cerca del centro47 €
Hotel Karkonosze En las montañas38 €


Este hotel es recomendado por nuestro portal !

1 estrella

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