flashMap | Ostrołęka (mazowieckie)Descriptión de OstrołękaReservations of hotels in Ostroleka. Good hotels in Ostroleka, easyand quick online reservation of hotel in Ostroleka. Ostroleka - regarded as the capital of the Kurpie Land. It has had its city laws since 1427. Ostroleka is an industrial centre and the seat of the provincial authorities. The parish church dating back to the end of the 14th century and the Bernardine church and monastic complex of the 7th century. In the historic battlefield of the Polish troops against the tsarist army in 1831 - a mausoleum. In the museum there are interesting historical and ethnographical departments. Ostroleka is an interesting stage point for canoeing rally down the Narew river. The Kurpie Forests which range from the lower Bug, Orzyc and Pisa deserve our attention. It was here that until the Second World War the border between Poland and Eastern Prussia had run. The Forest occupies approximately 2000 square km, including around 600 square km of dense forests. The Forests divide into the northern - i.e. Green (Myszyniecka) and White - the southern. The stand of trees consists mainly of coniferous forests with huge majority of pine-trees. The Green Forest was the so-called "Royal Demesne" for centuries. Its subjects made advantage of numerous significant feudal liberties. Isolated from other areas, they formed specific material culture (building, decorative art) and folklore. For centuries they lived on hunting, primitive apiculture (bee rearing in primitive beehives in holes scooped out of logs or trees) and fishing. In the city of Myszyniec and in a number of other villages there are numerous examples of traditional folk wooden building Hoteles en Ostrołęka |