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Wadowice (małopolskie)

Descriptión de Wadowice

Reservatin of hotels in Wadowice. We offer good, cheap hotels in Wadowice, situated not far from ccity centrum. Easy online reservation. Wadowice is a town in southern Poland, 50km from Krakow with 19,500 inhabitants (2001), situated on the Skawa river, confluence of Vistula, in the eastern part of Silesian Plateau (Pogórze Slaskie). Wadowice is famous as the birthplace of Pope John Paul II (1920). After the peaceful transformation of the political and economical system in Poland (in 1989), most of the local industry was found inefficient and went bankrupt. However, the ecological and historical heritage of the area, as well as the place being the birthplace of Pope John Paul II, led to a fast growth of tourist potential. Currently there are more than 200.000 people coming to Wadowice every year and this number is going higher with every year.

Hoteles en Wadowice

hoteles Estándar Posición Precio ( / PLN)
Hotel Podhalanin Muy cerca del centro160 PLN
Hotel Marten 9 km from the city145 PLN


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