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polish hotel picuture, rooms, you can reserve
polish hotel picuture, rooms, you can reserve
polish hotel picuture, rooms, you can reserve
polish hotel picuture, rooms, you can reserve
polish hotel picuture, rooms, you can reserve
polish hotel picuture, rooms, you can reserve
polish hotel picuture, rooms, you can reserve

Hotel in Poland

Hotel Vivaldi


Olimpijska 4
58-540 Karpacz



Hotel Vivaldi is a 3-star hotel close to the city center of Karpacz


The hotel is located in Bialy Jar, a beautiful pine forest surrounds the hotel, close to the Karkonoski National Parc.


Hotel Vivaldi has a restaurant and a bar.


The conference room of hotel Vivaldi ' Menuet' can accomodate 30 people. The room is equipped with screen, video recorder, lecture stand, dvd, flipchart projector and multimedia projector that is connected to the computer.

Additional service

The hotel offers a swimming pool, sauna, jacuzzi and Internet cafe.

Room prices in hotel

room type: normal (2024-09-24): weekend (2024-09-28):
Single room 200.00 PLN   (47.00 €) 200.00 PLN   (47.00 €)
Double room 310.00 PLN   (73.00 €) 310.00 PLN   (73.00 €)
Suite (2 persons) 360.00 PLN   (85.00 €) 360.00 PLN   (85.00 €)
Double room STANDARD + 400.00 PLN   (94.00 €) 400.00 PLN   (94.00 €)
Junior Suite (1) 430.00 PLN   (101.00 €) 430.00 PLN   (101.00 €)
Double room for 1 person 230.00 PLN   (54.00 €) 230.00 PLN   (54.00 €)

Hotel rooms reservation

Arrival date:
Departure date:
No. of nights:
Hotel room: price for booking one room:
(from 2024-09-24 to 2024-09-25)
No. of rooms total price for booking rooms:

Price for

Single room
from 2024-09-24 to 2024-09-25
200.00 PLN

Price for

Single room
from 2024-09-24 to 2024-09-25
47.00 €
Single room 200.00 PLN (47.00 €)
0.00 PLN (0.00 €)

Price for

Double room
from 2024-09-24 to 2024-09-25
310.00 PLN

Price for

Double room
from 2024-09-24 to 2024-09-25
73.00 €
Double room 310.00 PLN (73.00 €)
0.00 PLN (0.00 €)

Price for

Suite (2 persons)
from 2024-09-24 to 2024-09-25
360.00 PLN

Price for

Suite (2 persons)
from 2024-09-24 to 2024-09-25
85.00 €
Suite (2 persons) 360.00 PLN (85.00 €)
0.00 PLN (0.00 €)

Price for

Double room STANDARD +
from 2024-09-24 to 2024-09-25
400.00 PLN

Price for

Double room STANDARD +
from 2024-09-24 to 2024-09-25
94.00 €
Double room STANDARD + 400.00 PLN (94.00 €)
0.00 PLN (0.00 €)

Price for

Junior Suite (1)
from 2024-09-24 to 2024-09-25
430.00 PLN

Price for

Junior Suite (1)
from 2024-09-24 to 2024-09-25
101.00 €
Junior Suite (1) 430.00 PLN (101.00 €)
0.00 PLN (0.00 €)

Price for

Double room for 1 person
from 2024-09-24 to 2024-09-25
230.00 PLN

Price for

Double room for 1 person
from 2024-09-24 to 2024-09-25
54.00 €
Double room for 1 person 230.00 PLN (54.00 €)
0.00 PLN (0.00 €)
Total booking price: 0.00 PLN (0.00 €)
To make a reservation you have to choose at least one room.
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