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polish hotel picuture, rooms, you can reserve
polish hotel picuture, rooms, you can reserve
polish hotel picuture, rooms, you can reserve

Hotel in Poland

Hotel Bristol


Sienkiewicza 21
25-007 Kielce



Hotel Bristol offers 35 places in single, double and triple rooms with bathrooms and 2 suites. All rooms are equipped with telephone, cable TV and radio.


Hotel Bristol in Kielce is located in the center of the city close to ul.Sienkiewicza, the main commercial street which connects the train station with Kieleckie Centrum Kultury.


The hotel has a restaurant "Bristol".


It is possible to organize conferences in the hotel.

Additional service

Garage and attended car park, money exchange office, pawn shop, insurance office, art gallery, beauty parlour, random play salon.

Room prices in hotel

room type: normal (2024-09-24): weekend (2024-09-28):
Single room 180.00 PLN   (43.00 €) 180.00 PLN   (43.00 €)
Double room 220.00 PLN   (52.00 €) 220.00 PLN   (52.00 €)
Triple room 270.00 PLN   (64.00 €) 270.00 PLN   (64.00 €)
Suite (2 persons) 330.00 PLN   (78.00 €) 330.00 PLN   (78.00 €)

Hotel rooms reservation

Arrival date:
Departure date:
No. of nights:
Hotel room: price for booking one room:
(from 2024-09-24 to 2024-09-25)
No. of rooms total price for booking rooms:

Price for

Single room
from 2024-09-24 to 2024-09-25
180.00 PLN

Price for

Single room
from 2024-09-24 to 2024-09-25
43.00 €
Single room 180.00 PLN (43.00 €)
0.00 PLN (0.00 €)

Price for

Double room
from 2024-09-24 to 2024-09-25
220.00 PLN

Price for

Double room
from 2024-09-24 to 2024-09-25
52.00 €
Double room 220.00 PLN (52.00 €)
0.00 PLN (0.00 €)

Price for

Triple room
from 2024-09-24 to 2024-09-25
270.00 PLN

Price for

Triple room
from 2024-09-24 to 2024-09-25
64.00 €
Triple room 270.00 PLN (64.00 €)
0.00 PLN (0.00 €)

Price for

Suite (2 persons)
from 2024-09-24 to 2024-09-25
330.00 PLN

Price for

Suite (2 persons)
from 2024-09-24 to 2024-09-25
78.00 €
Suite (2 persons) 330.00 PLN (78.00 €)
0.00 PLN (0.00 €)
Total booking price: 0.00 PLN (0.00 €)
To make a reservation you have to choose at least one room.
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