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Ciechanów (mazowieckie)

Description of Ciechanów

Ciechanow -best hotels in Ciechanow. Ciechanow - the former prince seat, a city situated in a swampy Valley of the Lydynia River, a tributary of the Vistula. A centre of northern Mazovia culture. The first remarks on Ciechanów date back to the 11th century. The local city was frequently invaded by Lithuanians. There were also implacable battles against the teutonic knights venturing into Mazovia. On the Lydynia River we can see the ruins of the gothic castle of the Mazovian Princes, the seat of the Mazovian Gentry Museum with the expositions: historical and military accessories. The castle's walls and cylindric donjons are well preserved and overlook the city and the surroundings. Not far from here, at the market there is the neo-gothic monastery. A precious monument is the parish church of 14th century with stellar vaults- the foundation of the Mazovian Princes. On the other side of the street there is the gothic post-Dominican church of 1353. A city on Farska Mountain testifies to the old colonisation. 2 km southwards in village Golotczyzna there is the Aleksander Swietochowski Museum of Positivism. Worth visiting- the gothic castle of he Mazovian Princes. Online reservation of a hotel in Ciechanow.

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