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Gniezno (wielkopolskie)

Description of Gniezno

Reservation of hotels in Gniezno. We propose hotels in city centre : hotel Lech and hotel Mieszko. GNIEZNO was the capital city of the first few of the Piast dynasty rulers of Poland, and from 1000 onwards it has been a seat of an archbishopric, too. The Gniezno cathedral is famous for its twelfth-century, two-winged bronze doors decorated with scenes of martyrdom of St. Wojciech (Adalbert).The capital of the Gniezno District is Gniezno, a town which currently has over 72 thousand inhabitants and fulfils important economic, social and cultural roles. As Poland's first capital, today it still constitutes the cradle of both the Polish State and Christianity. It also houses the headquarters of the Roman-Catholic metropolis. Over one thousand years of the town's history have engraved indelibly into its planning and architecture - to this day many interesting monuments have been preserved both in the town itself and its environs.

Hotels in Gniezno

hotels stars location price ( / PLN)
Hotel Mieszko 10 min from the city center33 €
Hotel Lech Almost city center38 €


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