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Kołobrzeg (zachodnio-pomorskie)

Description of Kołobrzeg

Reservation of hotels in Kolobrzeg. Kolobrzeg is the most vivid city of Pomorze Zachodnie with an over thousand year long tradition, situated an both banks of the river Parseta which joins with the salty waters of Baltic Sea.For 200 years is Kolobrzeg known as a spa-resort. For the bathers and tourists the gratest attraction is the seaside location with its specific microclimate known for its healing properties and beautiful 6km long sandy beach and sea-bathing area. In the summer many cultural, entertainment and sport events take place. The most famous are the International Meeting With Folklore and the Salt Fair.

Hotels in Kołobrzeg

hotels stars location price ( / PLN)
Hotel Senator 0 PLN
Hotel New Skanpol Close to the city center0 PLN
Hotel Magnat At the seaside0 PLN


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