flashMap | Kraków (małopolskie)Description of KrakówFind a hotel in Cracow today! Below we’ve displayed a selection of available hotels in Cracow. Looking for a cheap hotel in Cracow? Easily compare prices of the different hotels in Cracow here. You can find hotels in Cracow ranking from budget hotels to luxury hotels. Most hotels in Cracow are located in the city center. In general, hotels in Cracow offer excellent value-for-money. The uniqueness of Cracow is primarily due to the rare cultural heritage embodied in the city's wall. Here, in the year 1000 a Roman Catholic bishopric was founded. Here royal castle was built on the Wawel Hill, becoming the coronation and burial place of kings, as Krakow was the capital of Poland from the 11th - 17th century. Here in 1364, the Krakow Academy was established, the first Polish university (today renamed the Jagiellonian University). Hotels in Kraków