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Krynica Zdrój (małopolskie)

Description of Krynica Zdrój

Online reservation of hotel in Krynica Zdroj. The most reputed of all Polish spas, Krynica Zdroj is located at the foot of the Beskid Sadecki range. It has a central pedestrian promenade (called deptak), spa houses, concert niche, and pump rooms with water from over twenty local mineral springs. Bathers and tourists are attracted here all year round by a great choice of walks and hikes into the scenic hills. Krynica has a nicely equipped winter sports center with Poland's longest cable-car ski lift up to Mt Jaworzyna Krynicka. The latter one has a fine recreation infrastructure and offers a beautiful view over the Beskid and Tatra ranges. The Jan Kiepura Festival of Arias and Songs is held here every year.

Hotels in Krynica Zdrój

hotels stars location price ( / PLN)
Hotel SAOL City center0 PLN
Hotel SPA Dr Irena Eris In the mountains570 PLN
Minihotel Antonieff 200 PLN


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