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Piaseczno (mazowieckie)

Description of Piaseczno

Reservation of hotels in Piaseczno. Cheap, situate near centrum hoels in Piaseczno. Easy online reservation of hotel. Piaseczno is one of the oldest city on Mazowsze. In 2004 was celebrated 575 jubilee from gain city rights. Throughout the years Piaseczno was a traditional place of markets and fairs and the biggest evolution of the city was in XVI age what the best evidence is maintains historic town planning map of the market and adjacent streets. From this chapter dates the oldest architectural monument- baroque Church of Saint Ann. The second historic and symbolic object is a town hall from half of XIX age. The city and neighbourhood of Piaseczno are rich in places of memory important historic events. There are graves the insurgents of January, cemeteries from chapter of First World War, places commemorates events from the chapter of Second World War. One of showplace of Piaseczno is narrow-gauge railway. A souvenir from Ace Age is erratic boulder "Mazur" by the housing estate "By the stone" - one of the biggest on Mazowsze.

Hotels in Piaseczno

hotels stars location price ( / PLN)
Willa Satropolska Close to the city center43 €
Hotel La Musica Outskirts38 €


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