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Toruń (kujawsko-pomorskie)

Description of Toruń

Find a hotel in Torun today! Below we’ve displayed a selection of available hotels in Torun. Looking for a cheap hotel in Torun? Easily compare prices of the different hotels in Torun here. You can find hotels in Torun ranking from budget hotels to luxury hotels. Most hotels in Torun are located in the city center. In general, hotels in Torun offer excellent value-for-money. Torun is one of the most beautiful cities of Poland. Picturesquely located on the both banks of the Vistula River, at a site of intersection of ancient trade routes, it has been propagating its traditional economy and openness to the world for nearly 800 years. The gothic buildings of Torun's Old Town, which won the designation of World Heritage Site from UNESCO in 1997, present proof of Torun's centuries-old economic, cultural and intellectual ties with the leading cities of Europe associated in the Hanseatic League.

Hotels in Toruń

hotels stars location price ( / PLN)
Hotel Heban City center53 €
Hotel Filmar City center71 €
Hotel Gotyk City center45 €
Hotel Retman City center43 €
Hotel Gromada City center0 €


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