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Ustka (pomorskie)

Description of Ustka

Reservation of hotels in Ustka. Easy online reservation of a hotel in Ustka.Ustka is a town in Middle Pomerania region, north-western Poland with 17,100 inhabitants. This is Popular tourist destination and a fishing port on the south coasts of the Baltic, has famous lighthouse from 1871 and church from 1882. The first historic records mention the village of Ujsc or Ujscie in 1310. The eastern part is older and is currently focusing most of the tourist traffic. However, an extremely costly beach maintanance makes the western part more and more popular.

Hotels in Ustka

hotels stars location price ( / PLN)
Hotel ORW Azoty Almost city center0 €
Minihotel Antonieff 47 €
Hotel Stach At the seaside0 €
Hotel Dajana At the seaside0 €


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1 star

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