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Wieliczka (małopolskie)

Description of Wieliczka

Reservation of hotels in Wieliczka.  Easy online reservation of a hotel in Wieliczka. Wieliczka: in Wieliczka county in the Cracovian region, known for the saltpans whose excavation was begun by the early Slavic people already in BC times. The village of Wieliczka was tied to a Benedictine monastery in Tyniec and populated by German settlers. A town since 1289 and located again on the Magdeburg law in 1356. ca. 17.000 inhabitants as of 1994.

Hotels in Wieliczka

hotels stars location price ( / PLN)
Hotel Kinga 0 PLN
Hotel Galicja 8 km from the city center189 PLN
Hotel Na Wierzynka Almost city center130 PLN


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