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Zakopane (małopolskie)

Description of Zakopane

Find a hotel in Zakopane today! Below we’ve displayed a selection of available hotels in Zakopane. Looking for a cheap hotel in Zakopane? Easily compare prices of the different hotels in Zakopane here. You can book a hotel in the center of Zakopane or reserve your hotel in the beautiful mountainside. Our hotels in Zakopane offer excellent value-for-money. Zakopane is situated in southern Poland, about 100 km to the south of Cracow, close to the border with Slovakia. It lies in a valley at the foot of The Tatras, the highest mountains in Poland (Mount Rysy 2499 m). On the map Zakopane can be found at 48( 18" latitude and 19( 57" longitude. The centre lies at about 840 m above sea level, but some parts are even as high as 1000 m above sea level on the slopes of Gubalówka - a hill that surrounds it from the south. Zakopane is a town commune. It neighbours on Koscielisko and Poronin villages. It is not very far from the well-known villages of Bukowina Tatrzanska and Czarny Dunajec and the town of Nowy Targ.

Hotels in Zakopane

hotels stars location price ( / PLN)
Villa Marilor City center0 PLN
Hotel Gromada In the mountains0 PLN
Hotel Fian In the mountains105 PLN


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