HotelBł. Jolenty 5 62-200 Gniezno AlojamientoHotel Lech offers 67 places in apartments and single, double and triple rooms. The rooms are equipped with private bathrooms, telephone, Internet and sattelite TV. LokalizaciónHotel Lech is located in the center of the city, 20m from the busstop and 1km from the trainstation and main busstation. AlimentaciónThe hotel has a restaurant and a bar. ConferenciasHotel Lech offers 3 conference rooms of 40-90m2. They are equipped with: flipchart, projector, videorecorder and TV and radio/tape recorder. Additional serviceThe hotel has a guarded parking. Precios de habitaciones room type: | estándares (2025-03-19): | weekend (2025-03-22): | Einzelzimmer | 160.00 PLN (38.00 €) | 150.00 PLN (36.00 €) | Habitación 2-personas | 190.00 PLN (45.00 €) | 170.00 PLN (40.00 €) | Habitación 3-personas | 220.00 PLN (52.00 €) | 200.00 PLN (47.00 €) |
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