Hotel1-go maja 88 58-500 Jelenia Góra AlojamientoHotel Fenix offers 70 places in single and double rooms. LokalizaciónThe hotel is located close to the trainstation. AlimentaciónHotel Fenix has a restaurant and a bar ConferenciasHotel Fenix offers 2 conference rooms that accomodate 45-70 people. Additional serviceThe hotel has a sauna, jacuzzi, solarium and guarded parking. Precios de habitaciones room type: | estándares (2025-03-19): | weekend (2025-03-22): | Einzelzimmer | 190.00 PLN (45.00 €) | 190.00 PLN (45.00 €) | Habitación 2-personas | 249.00 PLN (59.00 €) | 249.00 PLN (59.00 €) |
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