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Kamienna Góra (dolnośląskie)

Descriptión de Kamienna Góra

Reservation of hotels in Kamienna Gora. We proose hotel Karkonosze ina Kamienna Gora which is situated in city center. Kamienna Góra ( before 1945 German Landeshut) – city in dolnoslaskie povince under Bobr river. Is situated central in Kotlina Kamiennogorska between Sudety Srodkowe and Sudety Zachodnie. Neighbourhood of Kamienna Gora can be perfect base for the wanderings not only by Ziemia Kammiennogorska but also by karkonowskie line ( both Polish and Czech side) and to sightseeing neighbouring cities and villages. Lines lead off through beautiful hills and valleys, forests, meadows and areas of Kotlina Kammiennogorska. They permit to search to unique places not only on range of Poland but also Europe (among others: monastic unit in Krzeszowo, hauses of weavers in Chelmsko Slaskie or Kolorowe Jeziorka in neighbouring of Wiesciszowice).

Hoteles en Kamienna Góra

hoteles Estándar Posición Precio ( / PLN)
Hotel Karkonosze Centro31 €
Hotel Krokus Centro36 €


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