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Konin (wielkopolskie)

Descriptión de Konin

Online reservation of hotels in Konin. Cheap, situated in city centre hotels : Hotel Central and hotel Konin. Konin - the centre of the brown coal basin but also an attractive region for tourists (forests, water routes), situated on the Warta River. The town came into existence as far back as in the 13th century and was surrounded by defensive walls. Its swift post-war development after 1945 is strictly connected with the discovery and mining of brown coal. In the old town, tourists can visit the 14th-century St Bartholomew's Church and, in front of the church, the only in Poland Roman road-post dating back to 1151. Nearby, there is a Baroque church and the Reformati monastery. In the Goslawice quarter, north of the modern city, we can visit a Gothic castle dating back to the 15th century - the seat of the Regional Museum. The exhibits displayed in the museum are predominantly the relics showing the history of the town and its neighbourhood and surface mining. Close to the museum, there is a Gothic church on the plan of octagon with a palm vault supported by one pillar. The castle is surrounded by Lake Goslawickie with warm and clean waters (dump from the power station). In the vicinity of the town, in the village of Bienieszew, tourists can admire a Baroque Camedolite church and monastery dating back to the 18th century with the Rococo interior - one of the two monasteries of this order in Poland, renowned for its strict rule. The main tourist attractions: the Roman road-post from 1151.

Hoteles en Konin

hoteles Estándar Posición Precio ( / PLN)
Hotel Konin Centro175 PLN
Hotel Central Centro240 PLN


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