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Mielec (podkarpackie)

Descriptión de Mielec

Mielec is situated in Kotlina Sandomierska. Currently is on territory about 47km2 and the number of inhabitants about 65 000 what is giving him fourth item about number of population in podkarpakie province. Shape of terrain: predominate here lowl- lying territory devoid of clear hills however the main river of this region is Wisloka. From young history of Mielec the most important dates for this city are 1995 in which came into being Specjalna Strefa Ekonomiczna “Euro- Park Mielec”, 1999 Mielec became a seat of mielecki community and created first university in Mielec namely Wyzsza Szko³a Gospodarki i Zarz±dzania. Apparently this not big city gives large possibilities of economic cooperation, is a very good place for diverse investments and possesses many interesting places to visits.

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