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Sieradz (łódzkie)

Descriptión de Sieradz

Reservation of hotels in Sieradz. Here you can reserve hotel in Sieradz. Sieradz - at the intersection of medieval transport trails, on the Warta River. The former seat of the province authorities and the region centre known for beautiful attires, cuts-out and other masterpieces of artistic handicraft. In the oldest house of the 15th century - a museum with an archaeological and ethnographic exposition. The Dominican church-monastery complex of the 17th century, the gothic parish church with precious medieval sculptures. A city in the place of the castle of Casimir the Great. In the neighbouring village of Tubadzin the museum of interiors in a historic old Polish manor.

Hoteles en Sieradz

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Hotel Trax Cerca del centro150 PLN


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