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Suwałki (podlaskie)

Descriptión de Suwałki

Reservaion of hotels in Suwalki. We offer good and cheap hotels in Swalki, easy online reservation of hotel. Suwalki - a city of classicistic architecture with broad streets and low, two-storied buildings. From a small forest settlement Suwalki developed quickly in the 19th century functioning since 1866 as the capital of the Guberniya. In the city centre we admire St Alexander's classicistic church built between years 1820 - 1845 designed by Piotr Aignera, the city hall of the 19th century, the District Museum with a big archaeological department. The Museum of Polish poetess Maria Konopnicka (1842 - 1910) born in Suwalki is situated in her house. In Szwajcaria (Switzerland) - it is worth visiting an archaeological reservation, the "Jadzwings" prehistoric burial ground". Popular tourist routes lead northwards into the areas of the Suwalki Lakeland. Northwards - the Wigry National Park. Southwards - the Augustów Forest vast complex. Worth visiting - the Museum with an archaeological department.

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