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Świnoujście (zachodnio-pomorskie)

Descriptión de Świnoujście

Reservation of hotels in Swinoujscie. Easy online reservation of a hotel in Swinoujscie. Swinoujscie - the main seashore resort of West Pomerania. One of the biggest Polish seaports and a ferry-boats port. It is situated on the Uznam Island and the Wolin Island separated by the Swina River, on which ferries run, connecting both quarters of the town. A renowned seashore watering-place and a saline spa with numerous sanatoriums, holiday houses, campsites. Patients and tourists can sunbathe on a beautiful beach and have a rest in a large spa park. Night clubs welcome guests to see artistic programs. Also, the Museum of Fishing is worthy of note.

Hoteles en Świnoujście

hoteles Estándar Posición Precio ( / PLN)
Willa pod Dębami Centro0 PLN
Hotel Cis 0 PLN
Hotel Atol Cerca del mar0 PLN


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