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Złotoryja (dolnośląskie)

Descriptión de Złotoryja

Zlotoryja- city in south- western Poland in dolnolaskie province, is situated under Kaczawa river. In the Middle Ages was extraction of gold centre and later ( by half of XX age) of copper, now a days of basalt. Moreover there is textiles and pare industry. The city has suitable communication junction. The localization is in the neighbourhod of highway A-4 which binding together countires of European Union with Eastern Europe. Is good to see: Baszta Kowalska, battlements form XIV age, Church Najswietszej Marii Panny, Church sw. Jadwigi, Church sw. Krzyza, Fountain Gornikow, Gold Mine ’’Aurelia’’, Museuf of Gold, wildlife reserve “Wilcza Gora”.

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