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Hotel en Pologne

Hotel Rubinstein


Szeroka 12
31-053 Cracovie


Capacités d'hébergement

Rubinstein (4-stars) hotel offers guests 27 rooms. Facilities: air-conditioning, mini-bar, safe, TV, Telephone in room and bathroom, central heating, floor heating in the bathroom.


The hotel is situated in the beautiful Kazimierz, near the center.


Good restaurant, which serves dishes of European cuisine and with a little Jewish. The hotel has a bar where you can spend time.


The conference hall is equipped with multimedia projector, screen, sound system, microphones, wireless Internet access.

Additional service

Transfer from the airport and to the airport, excursions, guided tours of Krakow, the budget, laundry, use of fax and copier, the organization of banquets and events.

Prix des Chambres

room type: normal (2025-03-19): weekend (2025-03-22):
single executive 680.00 PLN   (160.00 €) 680.00 PLN   (160.00 €)


Date d'arrivée:
Date de départ:
Nbr de Nuits:
Chambre : price for booking one room:
(from 2025-03-19 to 2025-03-20)
Nbr Chambres: total price for booking rooms:

Price for

single executive
from 2025-03-19 to 2025-03-20
680.00 PLN

Price for

single executive
from 2025-03-19 to 2025-03-20
160.00 €
single executive 680.00 PLN (160.00 €)
0.00 PLN (0.00 €)
Prix total 0.00 PLN (0.00 €)
Pour faire la réservation vous devez choisir au moins une chambre.
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