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polish hotel picuture, rooms, you can reserve
polish hotel picuture, rooms, you can reserve
polish hotel picuture, rooms, you can reserve
polish hotel picuture, rooms, you can reserve
polish hotel picuture, rooms, you can reserve
polish hotel picuture, rooms, you can reserve
polish hotel picuture, rooms, you can reserve
polish hotel picuture, rooms, you can reserve
polish hotel picuture, rooms, you can reserve

Hotel en Pologne

Hotel SPA Bryza Resort


Międzymorze 2
84-141 Jurata


Capacités d'hébergement

Hôtel dispose de 60 chambres et 20 appartements dont les fenêtres donnent sur les forêts et le jardin.


The hotel is located on the seaside at 100m from the train station, de bus station and the ecological reservation.


Restaurant "Pod Palmami", Caféterie "Cafe Bar", grill "Pod Wengliszko". En été: Beach Bar, Restaurant "Markiza", Tennis Café


5 salles de conférence pour 310 personnes

Additional service

Clinique de la Santé et de la Beauté: Salon de beauté, Massages, Piscines, Sauna, Gym, Solarium

Prix des Chambres

room type: normal (2025-03-19): weekend (2025-03-22):


Date d'arrivée:
Date de départ:
Nbr de Nuits:
Chambre : price for booking one room:
(from 2025-03-19 to 2025-03-20)
Nbr Chambres: total price for booking rooms:
Prix total 0.00 PLN (0.00 €)
Pour faire la réservation vous devez choisir au moins une chambre.
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