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polish hotel picuture, rooms, you can reserve
polish hotel picuture, rooms, you can reserve
polish hotel picuture, rooms, you can reserve
polish hotel picuture, rooms, you can reserve

Hotel in Poland

Hotel Galery69


11-034 Dorotowo



Hotel Galery 69 offers 10 rooms of whci 4 double rooms, 3 triple rooms and 3 luxury apartments. All rooms are equipped with private bathrooms, sattelite TV, radio, refrigerator, and a kitchenette in some rooms.


Hotel Galery 69 is located on the edge of lake Wulpinskie, 4 km from Olsztyn, 1 km from the highway Olsztyn – Warszawa and at 50 km from the airport of Szymany.


Hotel Galery 69 has a restaurant where you can eat European meals and seafood. Lunch: 35 PLN.


Conference room equipped with all audio-visual material (projectors, microphone, flipcharts) for 16-20 people. It has a view of the lake. The hotel can serve coffee with cookies.

Additional service

Accessible for disabled people, guarded parking, moneychanger, safety box, sauna, rent of sport material, ping-pong, indoor swimming pool and possibility for sledging.

Room prices in hotel

room type: normal (2025-03-19): weekend (2025-03-22):
Single room 0.00 PLN   (0.00 €) 0.00 PLN   (0.00 €)
Double room 0.00 PLN   (0.00 €) 0.00 PLN   (0.00 €)

Hotel rooms reservation

Arrival date:
Departure date:
No. of nights:
Hotel room: price for booking one room:
(from 2025-03-19 to 2025-03-20)
No. of rooms total price for booking rooms:

Price for

Single room
from 2025-03-19 to 2025-03-20
0.00 PLN

Price for

Single room
from 2025-03-19 to 2025-03-20
0.00 €
Single room 0.00 PLN (0.00 €)
0.00 PLN (0.00 €)

Price for

Double room
from 2025-03-19 to 2025-03-20
0.00 PLN

Price for

Double room
from 2025-03-19 to 2025-03-20
0.00 €
Double room 0.00 PLN (0.00 €)
0.00 PLN (0.00 €)
Total booking price: 0.00 PLN (0.00 €)
To make a reservation you have to choose at least one room.
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