Fotos | Hotel AlojamientoHotel Galery 69 offers 10 rooms of whci 4 double rooms, 3 triple rooms and 3 luxury apartments. All rooms are equipped with private bathrooms, sattelite TV, radio, refrigerator, and a kitchenette in some rooms. LokalizaciónHotel Galery 69 is located on the edge of lake Wulpinskie, 4 km from Olsztyn, 1 km from the highway Olsztyn – Warszawa and at 50 km from the airport of Szymany. AlimentaciónHotel Galery 69 has a restaurant where you can eat European meals and seafood. Lunch: 35 PLN. ConferenciasConference room equipped with all audio-visual material (projectors, microphone, flipcharts) for 16-20 people. It has a view of the lake. The hotel can serve coffee with cookies. Additional serviceAccessible for disabled people, guarded parking, moneychanger, safety box, sauna, rent of sport material, ping-pong, indoor swimming pool and possibility for sledging. Precios de habitaciones room type: | estándares (2025-03-19): | weekend (2025-03-22): | Einzelzimmer | 0.00 PLN (0.00 €) | 0.00 PLN (0.00 €) | Habitación 2-personas | 0.00 PLN (0.00 €) | 0.00 PLN (0.00 €) |
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