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Lublin (lubelskie)

Description of Lublin

Online Rreservation of hotels in Lublin. Ours hotels in Lublin are situated in city centrum. We recommend hotel Vanilla in Lublin. The Old Town Lublin has preserved its medieval urban layout with many churches, burgher houses and gates. The Lublin royal castle's showpiece is the Holy Trinity chapel (14th c.) with the unique Russo-Byzantine frescoes. many museums. The suburban skansen presents old rural architecture and collections of artifacts from the region between the Vistula and the Bug River.

Hotels in Lublin

hotels stars location price ( / PLN)
Hotel Victoria City center169 PLN
Hotel Korona 5 km from the city209 PLN
Hotel Vanilla City center330 PLN
Hotel Europa City center420 PLN


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1 star

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